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PLCG2 protective variant p.P522R modulates tau pathology and disease progression in patients with mild cognitive impairment

Published on 2 October 2023
PLCG2 protective variant p.P522R modulates tau pathology and disease progression in patients with mild cognitive impairment
Date de publication14/03/2020
Kleineidam L, Chouraki V, Prochnicki T, van der Lee SJ, Madrid-Marquez L, Wagner-Thelen H, Karaca I, Weinhold L, Wolfsgruber S, Boland A, Martino Adami PV, Lewczuk P, Popp J, Brosseron F, Jansen IE, Hulsman M, Kornhuber J, Peters O, Berr C, Heun R, Frolich L, Tzourio C, Dartigues JF, Hull M, Espinosa A, Hernandez I, de Rojas I, Orellana A, Valero S, Stringa N, van Schoor NM, Huisman M, Scheltens P, Ruther E, Deleuze JF, Wiltfang J, Tarraga L, Schmid M, Scherer M, Riedel-Heller S, Heneka MT, Amouyel P, Jessen F, Boada M, Maier W, Schneider A, Gonzalez-Perez A, van der Flier WM, Wagner M, Lambert JC, Holstege H, Saez ME, Latz E, Ruiz A and Ramirez A
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url DOI10.1007/s00401-020-02138-6

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